Employment and Employment Forecasts


To assist with the inventorying of employment data by zone, TPP provides Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) data to the MPO. Beginning with the 2002 TWC data release, several changes were adopted to the format and type of information delivered. One of the more significant changes that occurred was the use of the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes to categorize employment types rather than the use of Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes. TPP post processes the TWC data to aggregate NAICS codes into four employment types – Basic, Retail, Service, and Public Education. Education is segregated as a separate employment type because school districts typically only report one location, the school district headquarters, and only provide the total employment of all employees employed by the district. The MPO will have to identify all of the school sites in the study area and obtain the employment at those distinct sites.

Total Employment

The total employment should represent the summation of Basic, Retail, Service, Education, and Special Generators. In the past, TPP requested that special generators be segregated from the general employment and population figures. In order to avoid double counting special generator population and employment, it is necessary to subtract any population and/or employment associated with a particular special generator from the zone population and employment. For example, if a regional mall is specified as a special generator, the employment found in the TWC data for each store in the mall and the mall management employment must be subtracted from the zonal employment. Special generator employment will still be subtracted from the employment or population sub-totals but the processing will be done by TPP.

Employment Forecasts

Similar to the population forecast process, a forecast year employment control total will need to be developed. The employment control total will then need to be allocated to sub-control totals for each employment type (Basic, Retail, Service, and Education). Once the regional employment type control totals have been developed, the MPO will then need to allocate the employment to individual zones.